Company : Operation Lifesaver Canada

Contact : Mayes Sarah

Contacts at Press/Communication Dept : Maryse Bétournay

Statistics 2020

 Total number of LC in 2010 : 37000
 Total number of LC in 2011 : 37000
 Total number of LC in 2012 : 37000
 Total number of LC in 2013 : 37000
 Total number of LC in 2014 : 37000 (20 000 active, 17 000 passive
 Total number of LC in 2019 : 22820
 Total number of LC in 2020 : 22044

2021 : 14 000 are public level crossings, 9 000 are private crossings, 40 000 km railway tracks : are managed by the Canadian federal rules.
LC accidents represent almost one third of fatalities and the half of all severe injuries among all serious railway accidents.

Read this article https://vingt55.ca/le-gouvernement-annonce-de-nouvelles-modifications-pour-ameliorer-la-securite-aux-passages-a-niveau/

 Total number of collisions in 2010 : 180
 Total number of collisions in 2011 : 169
 Total number of collisions in 2012 : 189
 Total number of collisions in 2013 : 185
 Total number of collisions in 2014 : 180
 Total number of collisions in 2015 : 164
 Total number of accidents in 2016 : 137
 Total number of accidents in 2017 : 146
 Total number of accidents in 2018 : 167
 Total number of accidents in 2019 : 178
 Total number of accidents in 2020 : 129

 Total number of fatalities in 2010 : 24
 Total number of fatalities in 2011 : 25
 Total number of fatalities in 2012 : 31
 Total number of fatalities in 2013 : 32
 Total number of fatalities in 2014 : 21
 Total number of fatalities in 2015 : 14
 Total number of fatalities in 2018 : 19
 Total number of fatalities in 2019 : 28
 Total number of fatalities in 2020 : 18

 Total length of lines (km) in 2017 : 42 865
 Total number of train-kilometres (millions) in 2017 : 110,04

List of partners
The Canada Suicide Prevention Service (CSPS), the Association québecoise de prévention du suicide (AQPS), Transport Canada, the Railway Association of Canada and its members, including CN, CP, VIA Rail, exo, West Coast Express, Metrolinx and Genesee & Wyoming, among others.

Awareness measures
On May 10, 2021, Operation Lifesaver Canada will launch Today is Better, a bilingual suicide-prevention public-awareness campaign to remind Canadians who may be struggling with their mental health that help is available. The Today is Better campaign consists of 11 poignant and hopeful videos (six English and five French) featuring the personal stories of Canadians who have experienced suicidal thoughts, but sought help.