Company : SNCF Réseau

Contact :


Company’s website: www.sncf-reseau.com

Level crossings’ website: www.prevention-ferroviaire.fr

National campaign website: https://www.prevention-ferroviaire.fr/journee-nationale

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/reseauferredefrance

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SNCFReseauOFFICIEL/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/SNCFReseau

Contacts at Press/Communication:

Edouard AMEIL / +33613316451 / edouard.ameil@reseau.sncf.fr

Audrey BRETON / +33603892895 / audrey.breton@reseau.sncf.fr

Julie PLA / +33621915073 / julie.pla@reseau.sncf.fr


 Total number of LC in 2016: 17 612
 Total number of LC in 2018: 17 576

 Total number of accidents in 2016: 159
 Total number of accidents in 2017: 109
 Total number of accidents in 2018: 92

 Total number of fatalities in 2016: 31
 Total number of fatalities in 2017: 42
 Total number of fatalities in 2018: 16

Total number of collisions with motorized vehicles 82
of which trucks 0
of which buses/coaches 0
of which other professional vehicles 0
of which passenger cars 82
of which two-wheel motorized vehicles 1
Total number of pedestrians hit at LC* 5 and one cyclist

 Total length of lines (km): 30 000

 Total number of train km/year (millions): 480 km/year

List of partners

Ministère de l’intérieur via Délégation Sécurité routière
Ministère de la Transition écologique et solidaire, chargé des transports
AMF, Association des maires de France
Association prévention routière
AFTRAL, Apprendre et se Former en TRAnsport et Logistique
Fédération Nationale des Travaux Publics
FNTV, Federation nationale des transporteurs de Voyageurs
FNTR, Fédération Nationale des Transports Routiers
FFC, Fédération Française de Cyclisme
UTP, Union des Transports Publics et Ferroviaires
IRU, organisation mondiale du transport routier
ECF, réseau d’autoécoles

Awareness measures

use of ILCAD video
use of ILCAD posters
use of ILCAD press release
SNCF Réseau media campaign on social networks, daily regional press ans screens present in service stations
SNCF Réseau video and posters + safety flyers
A lot of crossing level operations on the national territory (thematic : "flashing red light = absolute stop")

Other comments
French people was deeply affected by the tragedy of Millas on the 14 th of decembre 2017 in which a train collided a schoolbus causing 6 fatalities and 18 injuried people