
Latvijas dzelzceļš (Latvian Railway, LDz)

  • SJSC “Latvian Railway” (VAS “Latvijas dzelzceļš”)
  • 1. Maris Ozols
  • + 37127895497
  • maris.ozols at ldz.lv
  • 2.Ella Petermane
  • +371 20396396
  • ella.petermane at ldz.lv
For statistics click here


  • UIC,
  • The State Police of Latvia,
  • Ministry of Education and Science

Awareness measures 2017

  • on 2.th of June Latvian Raylways launched a level crossing avareness campaign, that is mostly focused on youth (warning about risks of the use of smartphones when crossing the railways).
  • The campaign started with a teasing video where a teenager is hit by a train. The motto of the campaign is „Throw away your phone and live !”
  • Before we launched our campaign we went to some level crossings in Riga to see – what people do when they are crossing a railway. And it came out that many of them are using smart phones- talking, listening to music, chatting or surfing on the web. The survey data shows that almost everyone is aware that it is dangerous.

  • ilcad video 2016 on the conference

    Past campaigns
    On 10 June 2016 at the Latvian Railway History Museum there was a free exhibition for seniors and an international conference. Specialists from Riga’ Pauls Stradins Clinical University Hospital examined 250 seniors plus participants of the conference.

On the level crossing in Riga a demonstration of the collision between a train and a “human being” – a mannequin (weight: 80 kg, height: 1.85 cm) filled with a red filling – took place during the press conference https://vimeo.com/43595845

vilciens cilveks from Atruma Cilts on Vimeo.

  • Latvian Railways video:
  • Latvian Railways video:


  • The Latvian State Police
  • The Road Traffic Safety Department
  • The world-class Latvian motorcyclists
