
Office National des chemins de fer



+212 6 60 33 94 42

  • ONCFM (Morrocan Railways)
    Après l’enregistrement d’une centaine d’accidents sur la voie ferrée, dont le terrible accident ferroviaire près de Benguerir, qui a coûté la vie à quatre personnes et fait 16 blessés parmi les passagers d’un autocar de transport scolaire violemment percuté par un train. l’ONCF, à l’occasion de la journée internationale de sensibilisation à la sécurité aux passages à niveau, déploie tous les efforts pour la suppression de ces passages à niveau et leur remplacement par des ouvrages de franchissement. Interview avec Mohamed Rabie Khlie...
  • Total number of LX in 2007: 419
  • Total number of LX in 2008: 413
  • Total number of LX in 2009: 409
  • Total number of LX in 2010: 389
  • Total number of LX in 2011: 369
  • Total number of LX estimated in 2012: 367 (33 manned LX +334 unmanned LX).
  • Total number of accidents in 2007: 11
  • Total number of accidents in 2008: 16
  • Total number of accidents in 2009: 15
  • Total number of accidents in 2010: 12
  • Total number of accidents in 2011: 20
  • Total number of fatalities in 2007: 3
  • Total number of fatalities in 2008: 7
  • Total number of fatalities in 2009: 19
  • Total number of fatalities in 2010: 11
  • Total number of fatalities in 2011: 18
  • Total length of lines (km): 2110 km
  • Total number of train km/year (thousands): 19 365 milliers km/train/year (en 2011).

Ministry of the Interior, Local Authorities, The Royal Gendarmerie, The General Directorate of National Security, The National Committee for Prevention of Traffic Accidents and The Moroccan Red Crescent.

List of awareness measures foreseen in my country on 7 June 2012:

In Morocco, the ILCAD campaign will take place on 7 June 2012 with several communication actions along a period of 30 dayS, in order to raise public awareness on the danger of risky behavior at level crossings:

Communication actions:

  • TV and Radio: a national campaign along a period of 30 days, with broadcast radio messages of awareness and information, TV spot…
  • Posters will be displayed in major railway stations focusing on educational measures and the promotion of safe behaviour at and around level crossings.
  • Booklets containing the rules to follow while crossing a level crossing will be distributed.
  • Communication media will be introduced on the website ONCF and the website of the National Committee for Prevention of Traffic Accidents.

The 7 June 2012 campaign:

  • Local actions focused on 125 open levels crossing and 26 railway stations:
  • Banners using the motto «Act safely at level crossing» in French «aux passages à niveau, priorité à la vie » and in Arab « بالممرات السككية الأسبقية للحياة ».
  • Handout to everyone passing, leaflets, flyers, stickers…
  • Broadcast audio messages in railway stations and aboard the train.
  • Press conferences
  • Inauguration of 2 bridges to replace 2 levels crossing
  • Launch of construction of 2 bridges to replace 2 levels crossing
  • Logo ILCAD in Arabic
    بالممرات السككية الأسبقية للحياة
