_Company’s name : NGO “Ukrainian Road Safety Association”

  • Contact:
  • Mikhail Berlin
  • E-mail address : office at roadsafety.org.ua
  • Telephone number : +380 44 270 54 86
  • Contact names and coordinates (tel, email address) of the Press/Communication person(s) in my company : Nataliya Kyslyak kysliak at roadsafety.org.ua
  • +380 44 270 54 86

 Total number of LC in 2008 : 5735
 Total number of LC in 2009 : 5661
 Total number of LC in 2010 : 5574
 Total number of LC in 2011 : 5477
 Total number of LC in 2012 : 5422
 Total number of LC in 2013 :5422

 Total number of accidents in 2008 : 137
 Total number of accidents in 2009 : 108
 Total number of accidents in 2010 : 101
 Total number of accidents in 2011 : 80
 Total number of accidents in 2012 : 89
 Total number of accidents in 2013 : 94

 Total number of fatalities in 2008 : 37
 Total number of fatalities in 2009 : 34
 Total number of fatalities in 2010 : 73
 Total number of fatalities in 2011 : 14
 Total number of fatalities in 2012 : 12
 Total number of fatalities in 2013 : 23

  • Total length of lines (km) : 29691.1

List of partners involved in our 2014 campaign :

  • Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine
  • State Administration for Railway Transport of Ukraine (UZ)
  • EU Project “Support to the Implementation of the Transport Strategy of Ukraine”


  • Our company will use the 2014 film made in collaboration between UIC/UNECE and the Swiss Federal Ministry of Transport published on our Facebook page, and the press release was transferred to the Ministry of Infrastructure.
  • The safety message on the 2014 posters is: “The most important stop of the day!” : Найважливіша зупинка дня!