

Tine Verheyden
+ 32 2 911/54163
tine.verheyden at INFRABEL.BE

_Contact names and coordinates (tel, email address) of the Press/Communication:
_Tel.: + 32 (0)2 526 37 62
_Gsm + 32 (0)496 198 300
_e-mail address: frederic.petit at infrabel.be

 Address of my company’s website : http://www.infrabel.be
 Address of company’s website dedicated to level crossings : http://www.infrabel.be/en/about-infrabel/safety/safety-level-crossings
 Address of company’s videos website (youtube, viameo...) :
 Campaign for truck divers in the Port of Antwerp: http://www.infrabel.be/en/crossthetracksafely

 Total number of LX in 2008:1957
 Total number of LX in 2009:1929
 Total number of LX in 2010:1902
 Total number of LX in 2011:1879
 Total number of LC in 2012:1857
 Total number of LC in 2013:1848

 Total number of accidents in 2008 : 51
 Total number of accidents in 2009 : 47
 Total number of accidents in 2010 : 49
 Total number of accidents in 2011 : 48
 Total number of accidents in 2012 : 52
 Total number of accidents in 2013 : 42

 Fatalities in 2008: 12
 Fatalities in 2009: 12
 Fatalities in 2010: 9
 Fatalities in 2011: 8
 Fatalities in 2012 : 13
 Fatalities in 2012 : 6

  • Total number of heavily injured in 2011: 9
  • Total number of heavily injured in 2012: 7
  • Total number of heavily injured in 2013: 5

 Total length of lines (km) : 3595

INFRABEL Partners :

 NMBS/SNCB (main railway operator for passenger transport in Belgium)
 SPC (railway police)

Awareness measures :

List of awareness measures:

  • Field actions (distribution of flyers) at important (busy/dangerous) level crossings (incorporated in a global action and campaign regarding trespassing).
  • One or two weeks after the field actions: Control-actions together with the transport police and our own security-teams at several important, busy and/or dangerous level crossings (incorporated in a global action and campaign regarding trespassing).
  • Invitation of the press to these actions (incorporated in a global action and campaign regarding trespassing).
  • Timing to be decided:
  • a small awareness campaign towards professional drivers, particularly trucks with cranes and/or unusual dimensions and/or freight, and their institutions, regarding the accidents with truck drivers at LX and the damaging of our overhead wiring at LX.
  • Repetition of our action of last year in the Port of Antwerp, aimed only at truck drivers.
  • Online use of the 2014 film made in collaboration between UIC/UNECE and the Swiss Federal Ministry of Transport
  • Participation as a speaker in the ILCAD international press conference and round table on 3 June 2014 in Lisbon, Portugal.

On 3rd June Infrabel started an awareness campaign to help reduce the number of trespassers on our railways. Last year in Belgium 9 people were killed due to trespassing and another 4 were heavily injured.
The campaign will consist of a television campaign with two awareness-films, flyering-actions, police-controles and a press-campaign. We also developed a dedicated webpage and a Facebook-page.

 Facebook: www.facebook.com/spoorveiligheid & www.facebook.com/securiteferroviaire

o FR: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vATNTMlJAGk
o NL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hi2h5dRWxsE

Campaign for truck divers in the Port of Antwerp:

Video on level crossing safety on Infrabel website
