Angela Tauler: angelestauler@ffe.es
Subdirectora I+D+i
Laura Lorenzo:llorenzo@ffe.es
Sarah Whalley: swhalley@ffe.es
Fundación Ferrocarriles Españoles


Total number of LX in 2010: 3523
Total number of LX in 2011: 3424
Total number of LX in 2012: 3377
Total number of LX in 2012: 3377
Total number of LX in 2013: 3330

Collisions in 2010: 16 with vehicles and 5 with pedestrians
Collisions in 2011: 14 with vehicles and 6 with pedestrians
Collisions in 2012: 16 with vehicles and 3 with pedestrians

Fatalities in 2010: 10
Fatalities in 2011: 8
Fatalities in 2012: 5

Serious injuries in 2010: 6
Serious injuries in 2011: 3
Serious injuries in 2012: 3

  • Total length of lines (km) * 15,215 km (including narrow gauge network). Source: Declaración sobre la red 2014 (Adif)
  • Total number of train-kilometres (millions) * Total 171,482.1 (1000 of km/train). Source: Observatorio del Ferrocarril

Awareness measures

  • Use of UIC/ILCAD posters and ILCAD video in Spanish
  • We will implement the ILCAD campaign through three key areas of action : 1) Press release in the Vía Libre - Railway Magazine online news bulletin. 2) Send via email the press release, poster and link to the video campaign to the members of the Spanish Technological Railway Platform (PTFE). 3) Display poster at Museo del Ferrocarril de Cataluña de Vilanova i la Geltrú and Museo del Ferrocarril de Madrid Delicias. The museums will also use their social networks and online communication channels to post information about ILCAD and disseminate the campaign material (e.g. post the press release, campaign posters and videos on the museum webpage, blog and social networks).
  • Partners
  • Museo del Ferrocarril de Cataluña de Vilanova i la Geltrú. Museo del Ferrocarril de Madrid Delicias. Spanish Technological Railway Platform (PTFE).
    Video 2015 in Spanish: “¡Tómate tu tiempo, no te juegues la vida!”: https://vimeo.com/128238886; https://youtu.be/SWwAT8ZNLDM