Angela Tauler Alcaraz: angelestauler@ffe.es

Laura Lorenzo:llorenzo@ffe.es
Sarah Whalley: swhalley@ffe.es
Fundación Ferrocarriles Españoles


For Statistics:
FFE 2016 Statitics

Awareness measures

  • http://museudelferrocarril.org/es/mira-escucha-vive
  • Dissemination of ILCAD 2016 campaign materials (poster, video, press release) through different channels:
  • Publication of press release in the Vía Libre online news bulletin.
  • Display of poster and video at railway museums: Museo del Ferrocarril de Cataluña de Vilanova i la Geltrú and Museo del Ferrocarril de Madrid Delicias.
  • Dissemination of video, poster and press release through museum and Via Libre social networks (e.g. facebook, twitter, blogs, webpage).
  • Press release, poster and ILCAD 2016 video link to be sent to the members of the Spanish Technological Railway Platform (PTFE).